- ParserState
- Clusters
- Locals
- ParserState ( HashMap<string, ClusterToken> clusters, HashMap<string, ValueToken> locals )
- AddCluster (string alias, ClusterToken cluster)
- SetClusters (HashMap<string, ClusterToken> clusters)
- LocalExists (string name)
- AddLocal (string name, ValueToken value)
- Local (string name)
- Empty = new ParserState(HashMap<string,ClusterToken>(), HashMap<string, ValueToken>())
- ProcessSystemConfig
- SystemName
- Cluster
- NodeName = ""
- (),
(), HashMap >(), null, new Types() )_0" class="link"> Empty = new ProcessSystemConfig( default(SystemName), "root", HashMap<string, ValueToken>(), HashMap<ProcessId, ProcessToken>(), HashMap<string, State<StrategyContext, Unit>>(), null, new Types() ) - ProcessSystemConfig ( SystemName systemName, string nodeName, HashMap<string, ValueToken> roleSettings, HashMap<ProcessId, ProcessToken> processSettings, HashMap<string, State<StrategyContext, Unit>> stratSettings, ClusterToken cluster, Types types )
- ProcessSystemConfigParser
- Definition
- TokenParser
- parser
- types
- processType
- routerType
- strategyType
- clusterType
- nodeName
- token <T> (Parser<T> p)
- brackets <T> (Parser<T> p)
- parens <T> (Parser<T> p)
- commaSep <T> (Parser<T> p)
- commaSep1 <T> (Parser<T> p)
- identifier
- stringLiteral
- integer
- floating
- natural
- whiteSpace
- symbol
- reserved
- reservedOp
- processId
- processName
- match
- redirect
- arguments
- argumentMany
- argument
- namedArgument
- valueDef
- term
- expr
- exprUnknownType
- valueUntyped
- ProcessSystemConfigParser (string nodeName, Types typeDefs, IEnumerable<FuncSpec> strategyFuncs)
- ParseConfigText (string text)
- FieldSpec
- FuncSpec
- Name
- Type
- Body
- Args
- Property (string name, Func<TypeDef> type)
- Property (string name, Func<TypeDef> returnType, Func<TypeDef> propertyType, Func<object, object> body)
- Attrs (string name, Func<TypeDef> type, Func<HashMap<string, object>, object> body, params FieldSpec[] args)
- ValueToken
- Type
- Value
- ValueToken (TypeDef type, object value)
- Array (object value, TypeDef genericType)
- Map (object value, TypeDef genericType)
- BinaryOp = (string op) => (ValueToken lhs, ValueToken rhs) => lhs.Type.BinaryOperator(op, lhs, rhs)
- PrefixOp = (string op) => (ValueToken rhs) => rhs.Type.PrefixOperator(op, rhs)
- PostfixOp = (string op) => (ValueToken lhs) => lhs.Type.PostfixOperator(op, lhs)
- ToList ()
- ToList <T> ()
- ToMap ()
- GetItem (string name)
- GetItem <T> (string name)
- Cast <T> ()
- NamedValueToken
- ProcessToken
- ProcessId
- Flags
- MailboxSize
- Strategy
- Settings
- RegisteredName
- Dispatch
- Route
- Workers
- WorkerCount
- WorkerName
- ProcessToken (Lst<NamedValueToken> values)
- SetRegisteredName (ValueToken registeredName)
- ClusterToken
- Settings
- Alias
- NodeName
- Role
- Connection
- Database
- Env
- UserEnv
- Default
- ClusterToken (Option<string> alias, Lst<NamedValueToken> values)
- SetEnvironment (ValueToken env)
- Empty = new ClusterToken(HashMap<string, ValueToken>(), None, None, None, None, None, None, false)
- TypeDef
- Name
- MapsTo
- FuncSpecs
- GenericType
- Ctor
- ValueParser
- BinaryOperators
- PrefixOperators
- PostfixOperators
- ConversionOperators
- NodeName
- Order
- TypeDef ( Type type, Func<Option<string>, object, object> ctor, Types assembly, int order, string name = null, string nodeName = "" )
- TypeDef ( string name, Type mapsTo, Func<Option<string>, object, object> ctor, int order, params FuncSpec[] funcSpecs )
- TypeDef ( string name, Func<Option<string>, object, object> ctor, Type mapsTo, string nodeName, int order, params FuncSpec[] funcSpecs )
- TypeDef ( string name, Func<Option<string>, object, object> ctor, Type mapsTo, Func<ProcessSystemConfigParser, Parser<object>> valueParser, HashMap<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken, ValueToken>>? binaryOperators, HashMap<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken>>? prefixOperators, HashMap<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken>>? postfixOperators, HashMap<string, Func<object, object>>? conversionOperators, TypeDef genericType, int order )
- Convert (ValueToken token)
- BinaryOperator (string op, ValueToken lhs, ValueToken rhs)
- PrefixOperator (string op, ValueToken rhs)
- PostfixOperator (string op, ValueToken lhs)
- ToString ()
- Map (Func<TypeDef> t)
- MakeTuple <T> (string fst, T snd)
- Array (Func<TypeDef> t)
- xs, typeof(void), _ => failure
- GetHashCode ()
- Equals (TypeDef other)
- CompareTo (TypeDef other)
- Types
- Bool
- Int
- Double
- String
- ProcessId
- ProcessName
- ProcessFlags
- Time
- MessageDirective
- Directive
- DispatcherType
- Object
- TypeMap
- All
- AllInOrder
- Types ()
- Exists (Type type)
- Get (Type type)
- Get (string name)
- Register (TypeDef type)
- MapTo (TypeDef def)
- Conv (string fromType, Func<object, object> conv)
- Op (string name, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken, ValueToken> op)
- OpT (string name, Func<TypeDef> type, Func<object, object, object> op)
- Op (string name, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken> op)
- OpT (string name, Func<TypeDef> type, Func<object, object> op)
class ParserState Source #
constructor ParserState ( HashMap<string, ClusterToken> clusters, HashMap<string, ValueToken> locals ) Source #
method ParserState AddCluster (string alias, ClusterToken cluster) Source #
method ParserState SetClusters (HashMap<string, ClusterToken> clusters) Source #
method bool LocalExists (string name) Source #
class ProcessSystemConfig Source #
Parses and provides access to configuration settings relating to the role and individual processes.
field SystemName SystemName Source #
field string NodeName = "" Source #
constructor ProcessSystemConfig ( SystemName systemName, string nodeName, HashMap<string, ValueToken> roleSettings, HashMap<ProcessId, ProcessToken> processSettings, HashMap<string, State<StrategyContext, Unit>> stratSettings, ClusterToken cluster, Types types ) Source #
class ProcessSystemConfigParser Source #
Parses the Process system conf file format This is a bit more advanced than your usual configuration format, in that it's essentially a statically typed programming language.
field GenLanguageDef Definition Source #
field GenTokenParser TokenParser Source #
field TypeDef processType Source #
field TypeDef routerType Source #
field TypeDef strategyType Source #
field TypeDef clusterType Source #
field Parser<string> identifier Source #
field Parser<string> stringLiteral Source #
field Parser<Unit> whiteSpace Source #
field Func<string, Parser<Unit>> reservedOp Source #
field Parser<ProcessName> processName Source #
field Func<string, FieldSpec[], Parser<Seq<NamedValueToken>>> argumentMany Source #
field Func<string, FieldSpec, Parser<NamedValueToken>> namedArgument Source #
field Parser<ValueToken> exprUnknownType Source #
field Parser<ValueToken> valueUntyped Source #
constructor ProcessSystemConfigParser (string nodeName, Types typeDefs, IEnumerable<FuncSpec> strategyFuncs) Source #
method HashMap<SystemName, ProcessSystemConfig> ParseConfigText (string text) Source #
class ValueToken Source #
field Func<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken, ValueToken>> BinaryOp = (string op) => (ValueToken lhs, ValueToken rhs) => lhs.Type.BinaryOperator(op, lhs, rhs) Source #
field Func<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken>> PrefixOp = (string op) => (ValueToken rhs) => rhs.Type.PrefixOperator(op, rhs) Source #
field Func<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken>> PostfixOp = (string op) => (ValueToken lhs) => lhs.Type.PostfixOperator(op, lhs) Source #
constructor ValueToken (TypeDef type, object value) Source #
class NamedValueToken Source #
constructor NamedValueToken (string name, ValueToken value, Option<string> alias) Source #
class ProcessToken Source #
field Option<int> MailboxSize Source #
field Option<ProcessName> RegisteredName Source #
field Option<int> WorkerCount Source #
field Option<string> WorkerName Source #
constructor ProcessToken (Lst<NamedValueToken> values) Source #
method ProcessToken SetRegisteredName (ValueToken registeredName) Source #
class ClusterToken Source #
field Option<string> Connection Source #
constructor ClusterToken (Option<string> alias, Lst<NamedValueToken> values) Source #
method ClusterToken SetEnvironment (ValueToken env) Source #
field TypeDef GenericType Source #
field Func<ProcessSystemConfigParser, Parser<object>> ValueParser Source #
field HashMap<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken, ValueToken>> BinaryOperators Source #
field HashMap<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken>> PrefixOperators Source #
field HashMap<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken>> PostfixOperators Source #
field HashMap<string, Func<object,object>> ConversionOperators Source #
constructor TypeDef ( Type type, Func<Option<string>, object, object> ctor, Types assembly, int order, string name = null, string nodeName = "" ) Source #
Automatically defined record-type constructor
param | type | |
param | ctor | |
param | assembly | |
param | name | |
param | nodeName |
constructor TypeDef ( string name, Type mapsTo, Func<Option<string>, object, object> ctor, int order, params FuncSpec[] funcSpecs ) Source #
constructor TypeDef ( string name, Func<Option<string>, object, object> ctor, Type mapsTo, string nodeName, int order, params FuncSpec[] funcSpecs ) Source #
Manually defined record-type constructor
param | name | |
param | ctor | |
param | nodeName | |
param | funcSpecs |
constructor TypeDef ( string name, Func<Option<string>, object, object> ctor, Type mapsTo, Func<ProcessSystemConfigParser, Parser<object>> valueParser, HashMap<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken, ValueToken>>? binaryOperators, HashMap<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken>>? prefixOperators, HashMap<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken>>? postfixOperators, HashMap<string, Func<object, object>>? conversionOperators, TypeDef genericType, int order ) Source #
Value type defintion constructor
param | name | |
param | mapsTo | |
param | valueParser | |
param | toLstValues | |
param | toMapValues | |
param | binaryOperators | |
param | prefixOperators | |
param | postfixOperators | |
param | conversionOperators | |
param | genericType |
method ValueToken BinaryOperator (string op, ValueToken lhs, ValueToken rhs) Source #
method ValueToken PrefixOperator (string op, ValueToken rhs) Source #
method ValueToken PostfixOperator (string op, ValueToken lhs) Source #
method int GetHashCode () Source #
field TypeDef ProcessName Source #
field TypeDef ProcessFlags Source #
field TypeDef MessageDirective Source #
field TypeDef DispatcherType Source #
property Seq<TypeDef> AllInOrder Source #
method Tuple<string,Func<object, object>> Conv (string fromType, Func<object, object> conv) Source #
method Tuple<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken, ValueToken>> Op (string name, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken, ValueToken> op) Source #
method Tuple<string, Func<ValueToken, ValueToken, ValueToken>> OpT (string name, Func<TypeDef> type, Func<object, object, object> op) Source #